News: Renaissance Studies Special Issue on Paratexts, Dissemination and the Book Market in Early Modern Venice (1500-1650)

The Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies presents a special issue on Paratexts, Dissemination and the Book Market in Early Modern Venice (1500-1650), with articles from GEMS members Ruben CelaniClaudia CroccoTeodoro KatinisEleonora Serra and Lies Verbaere. This collaboration consists of research across literature and linguistics.

Visit the website for more information.

Featured articles

  • Gazing at the Venetian hub from a paratextual lens: An introduction
    Claudia Crocco and Teodoro Katinis
  • Advertising grammars and dictionaries in the Venetian printing market: A linguistic analysis of title pages
    Eleonora Serra
  • ‘L’arte in prattica’: Reconstructing Orazio Toscanella’s language ideology
    Claudia Crocco and Eleonora Serra
  • ‘Come parto imperfetto’: Paratexts and organization in a sixteenth-century book of secrets
    Ruben Celani
  • The vernacularization of Paduan medicine and philosophy in the seventeenth century: Troilo Lancetta’s Raccolta medica, et astrologica
    Craig Martin
  • ‘Materie piacevolissime da leggere e utili da essequire’: The introductory letters in Leonardo Fioravanti’s Capricci medicinali
    Teodoro Katinis
  • ‘By consultation of elevated minds’: The role of paratexts in Giovanni Battista Calderari’s comedies
    Lies Verbaere
  • Advertising doubt in early modern Italy: Doubt and ignorance in early modern paratexts
    Marco Faini